SUNRISE is an ISO9001 certified silicone hose manufacturer by TUV, specializing in the design and manufacture of various silicone hoses in China. We manufacture silicone CAC hoses for various industrial applications, such as CAC Hump Hose, CAC Water Inlet Hose, Complex Shape CAC Hose, etc.
CAC silicone hoses can withstand temperature changes and can absorb engine motion and vibration. They are easier to install and run and not subject to stress, cracking or corrosion. The hot side of the CAC silicone hose can be used to connect the turbocharger outlet to the charge cooler inlet, connecting the charge cooler to the engine manifold. Therefore, the hot side of CAC silicone hose have excellent performance in manufacturing industries such as high-performance racing vehicles, commercial buses, turbo diesel engines and off-highway vehicles.